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 Small Business Server
 404 Errors when accessing Companyweb, et al

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - April 24 2009 : 11:28:35
When you try to access Companyweb or Remote Web Workplace, or any other ASP.NET website within Small Business Server, you receive a 404 error even though you are certain that the file (such as default.aspx) exists.

The most common problem here is that .NET 2.0 has been installed and some of the websites have been instructed to use it. All the built-in websites that come with Small Business Server 2003 are written for ASP.NET 1.1, and so should be configured to run that version.

1. In Server Manager (or Internet Information Services Manager), expand the server name, then click Web Sites.
2. Right-click each web site and choose Properties.
3. Click the ASP.NET tab.
4. Ensure that ASP.NET Version is set to 1.1.4322.
5. Click OK
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for each site shown.
7. Expand Default Web Site.
8. Perform steps 2-5 above on each item listed that has a gear icon.

When finished, no reboot should be necessary to see the results.

Hope it helps,

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