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 Outlook Express won't open .PPS attachments

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - July 25 2009 : 18:08:45
Note: This information was originally found here.

If you try to open .PPS attachments within Outlook Express, you may get this error message:

This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.

This message doesn't appear if you first save the attachment and then try to open it, which is successful. This happens whether you have Powerpoint or the Powerpoint viewer.

Ramesh's site, referenced above, has an excellent step-by-step procedure as well as an automated fix for this particular problem. In a nutshell, the problem is this:

In order for Outlook Express to open an attachment of any type, it needs to have an "open" action defined. Installing the Powerpoint viewer defines a "print" action and a "show" action which is set as the default action. When you double-click the file, Windows Explorer applies the default action, whatever that may be. Outlook Express tries to execute the "open" action instead of the default. Because it doesn't find an "open" action, it returns the error message above. This is why you must add an "open" action that is virtually identical to the "show" action. Once done, Outlook Express can open the file.

If you experience this exact problem with other attachment file types (opening from within Outlook Express doesn't work; opening from Windows Explorer does), you should be able to just create an "open" action for that file type which is identical to that file type's default action. The default action is the one shown in bold. If the file type already defines an "open" action, then this procedure won't work. If the file type isn't defined, then you don't have a viewer installed for that type of file.

Hope it helps,

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