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 Sonic Update Manager UM.MSI (Re-Updated!)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - March 10 2008 : 18:35:39
Here's the file to get:


The information is in this article: http://kb.roxio.com/content/kb/General%20Information/000020GN

Hope it helps,

The above fix only seems to work if you have a Dell computer. If that's not your case, open MSConfig and under startup, un-check all instances of ISUSPM and of ISSCH. This will disable it, but makes MSConfig pop up at startup all the time, unless you disable that, too. My suggestion is that if this fixes the problem, you should re-enable the entries, and remove them from their place in the registry.

Update #2
Go here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301. The name of the article is "Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" and scroll down into the Summary where it says, "Download the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility package now." Once installed, this will allow you to remove all references to the Sonic Update Manager, Sonic Activation Module, or anything else for that matter, from the Windows Installer database.

Finally, reinstalling any Roxio product you have should also fix it.

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