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 Need 2007 Microsoft Office Media?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - November 01 2009 : 14:30:05

Need 2007 Microsoft Office Media?
Microsoft offers downloads

Posted 7/24/2009
In the past, you've always gotten a CD when you bought a computer that was preloaded with Microsoft Office. Microsoft made a change with the 2007 Office System. We've been selling computers with Medialess License Kits for 2007 Microsoft Office. These came with a coupon that would allow you to order CDs as backup media. The CDs are necessary if you ever have to reload your system. But now, Microsoft has created this webpage that allows you to download or order replacement media. Here's the link:


There's one caveat: The purchase date of the computer and of 2007 Microsoft Office must be within 90 days of each other, but that's necessary in order to get 2007 Microsoft Office from a System Builder anyway.

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