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 Online Backup Available!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - November 23 2014 : 06:02:26

Online Backup for Business Available
Protect your data with our service

Posted 7/22/2011
Your data is the lifeblood of your business. In fact, studies show that most businesses that suffer a major data loss fail within the following year. We have a service that can help you keep your business safe from data loss. We can back up your data off-site so that you can sleep knowing that your data is safe.
Pricing is per year and is based upon the total amount of data stored in gigabytes (GB) as follows:

From (GB)-To (GB)-Price
An extra 50GB runs $45/year, and if you need an extra 100GB, that's available for $88/year. If you start with the lower price plan and exceed that amount, you'll be billed for the difference 60 days later. That way, you have an opportunity to reduce the amount you're backing up before the rate increase goes into effect.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, ACH Payments, Checks and Cash. Can you afford not to have a service like this?

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