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 Christmas Shopping Recommendations 2012

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - November 23 2014 : 21:54:24

Christmas Shopping Recommendations
The 2012 Version - Better Late Than Never

Posted 11/22/2012
Each year, we put out our recommendations for those looking to put a new computer under the tree for that special someone. This year, we are recommending:

Processor: 3rd Generation Intel Core i3, i5, or i7
Memory (RAM): 4 - 8 GB-2 - 6 GB
Hard Drive Size: 640 GB or larger-250 GB, 320 GB, 500 GB(Hybrid if available)
Operating System: Windows 7 or 8
>4GB of Memory must use 64-bit, which we now recommend for home use
USB Support: USB 2.0 and at least one USB 3.0 port
Display: 19" Widescreen or larger with multi-touch capability for Windows 8-15.6" - 17"
Office 2010: Starter Edition or Home and Student.

Microsoft has deals you can take advantage of to maximize your investment this Christmas season. For instance, if you buy a new computer with Windows 7 between now and January 2013, you can get Windows 8 for $14.99. Also, if you buy Microsoft Office 2010 now, you can download the next version of Office for free when it comes out. For more information about this offer head on over to http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/offer/. We also recommend any of the convertible ultrabook systems out there, especially for students heading off to college any time soon.</p>

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