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 Still Using XP?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - November 23 2014 : 22:10:19

Still Using XP?
Upgrade Alert!

Posted 1/29/2013
If, like me actually, you are still using Windows XP, now's the time to think about upgrading to Windows 7. Microsoft's support for the venerable Windows XP is ending on April 8, 2014.
What does this mean for you? No more updates that keep your software safe from viruses (You are installing updates automatically, aren't you?). New devices like printers and scanners will no longer include drivers for XP. And new software may include features that aren't compatible with XP or require versions of the .NET Framework that don't exist on XP.
But isn't XP good enough? Sure. But XP will be 12 years old by the time support ends, and "good enough" means lost efficiency and productivity which ultimately costs money.
So what should I do? I suggest upgrading to Windows 7 if you're a business. Windows 8 may not be ready yet for business use, but Windows 7 is well-vetted; it helps employees be more productive, while increasing operational efficiency through improved security and management. Customers can also take advantage of the latest technology trends such as virtualization and the Cloud.

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