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 Intel Introduces Quad-Core Processors

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1029usr078198 Posted - February 07 2008 : 09:01:04

Intel Introduces Quad-Core Processors
Processor brings new level of speed and processing power

Posted 10/2/2007
Intel has now introduced new processors. Whereas older processors had only a single processing core, and it was necessary to use two chips to get two processing cores, Intel's Core 2 Duo processors have two processing cores on a single chip. This differs from the Hyperthreading technology added to the Pentium 4 chip. It was a single-core chip, but several parts were duplicated to make it possible for a single core to merely emulate two cores.
Well, now they've gone one better. Make that two better. Intel's new Core 2 Quad processor puts 2 Dual-processor cores on a single chip for unprecedented processing power. Imagine the power of four processing cores working together to enable rapid audio/video encoding while serving up a video file to another computer, and running a virus scan!

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