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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - January 19 2009 : 09:16:44
Listen now. or Download the archive.

Question: My CD-ROM drive stopped working all of a sudden. What could be wrong?

Answer: Lately this one has come up a couple of times and it's been the same thing both times. The symptoms are that if you open My Computer the CD or DVD drive doesn't show up. If you right-click My Computer and choose Manage, then click on Device Manager, you’ll see the drive listed on the right-hand side, but it will have a yellow exclamation point icon on it. In that case, your filters are messed up and you'll have to tinker around in the registry to get it fixed. It's not difficult, but you should have it looked at. An experienced technician should be able to check it in about fifteen minutes. I'll see if I can write a nondestructive fix that I can put in the show notes.

Cool Site: www.dailyaudiobible.com: We've talked about this site before, but Brian has spent last year adding several new daily podcasts to the site. He's got Daily Audio Bible, Daily Audio Proverb, which goes through the book of Proverbs each month, a chapter a day. Daily Audio Bible for Kids has his daughter participating in the reading of the New Testament along with him; there's Daily Audio Bible en Espanol for Spanish-speakers; and Daily Audio Bible Hindi for people in India. To me, that sounded like a strange language to choose, but God opened the door, and Brian chose to walk on through. He's also getting up a mission trip to Bogota Colombia, and what he calls the Windfarm Prayer Initiative.

Cool Gadget: LED Lighted Pitcher: At DVICE.com, I found a 60oz pitcher with LED lights at the bottom. These lights can be made to spin, blink, or just glow steadily. The pitcher is clear when the lights are off, but shine up when you turn them on. It runs on batteries, which are included and comes in several dome colors. It's about $11, and, like most gadgets, is one of those things that you don't really need unless you're opening a theme restaurant, but it is cool. Well, you could put sweet tea in one, and unsweet tea in the other. Then set the sweet tea's lights to spin so it looks like it's being stirred. The other one could be steady, so you won't get them confused.

It's All "Geek" To Me: Spoofing: Today's term is Spoofing. The word means, "to deceive". Well, in computers, when one computer takes steps to hide its identity from other computers, like sending an email from an address that doesn't exist, or an IP address that isn't the real one.


Daily Audio Bible:

LED Lighted Pitcher:

"Spoofing" on TechTerms.com:

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