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 6/12/2009-TinyURL?,MyPraize,3DWebCam,"Dig. Sig."

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - June 12 2009 : 08:17:29
Listen now. or Download the archive.

Question: I’m starting to see links to tinyurl. Am I going to get a virus if I click this?

Answer: No, but I thought the same thing the first time I saw one. Some web addresses are extremely long. This makes it difficult to type them without errors, or if sent in email, the recipient’s email program might break the address up and make it unusable. This is where TinyURL comes in. As its name implies, TinyURL is a free service that lets you shorten long web addresses. This lets you send them in email more easily or type them easily if you need to. By the way, if you use Twitter, the conversion of web address in your tweets to TinyURL is automatic.

Cool Site: MyPraize.com: Ever heard of MySpace? Well while Facebook is the current Big Kahuna, mypraize.com is a Christian site that competes with myspace. On its home page, the site seems to promote its music/video offerings, and may be migrating that direction. But it is a social networking site with forums, blogs, and member messaging, which is a term I use to describe email-like messaging between members of a social site.

Cool Gadget: Nova Minoru 3D Webcam: I love this, they now have a 3D - yes - 3D webcam. It comes with 5 pairs of 3D glasses which in itself is something of a bummer. But it works with Skype, Windows Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger and others. You can use it to record 3D videos and also take 3D photos. The videos can be uploaded to YouTube for sharing if you want. The camera sits flat on your desk or sort of clamps to your laptop or monitor, and works with either XP or Vista. It’s available now and runs about $89.

It's All "Geek" To Me: Digital Signature: In the real world, what does your signature do? It means you’ve read something, know what it says, and approve. It also verifies your identity. In the digital world, a digital signature also makes sure that you are you. A digital signature also goes one step further, ensuring that the document you signed has remained unaltered since you signed it.




Nova Minoru 3D Webcam on Gearlog:

Nova Minoru’s Official Website (you may wish to scroll down quickly – the picture gets the point across, but is somewhat suggestive):

Digital Signature on TechTerms:

Windows Team Blog Page:

Announcement of Windows 7 Availability:

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