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Posted - August 26 2009 : 06:41:05 Listen now. or Download the archive.
Question: Lisa says, "I have a message on my screen that says I have 38 infections, and the name of the program is Personal Antivirus, but I've never heard of it. What do I do?"
Answer: First, know that the "38 infections" are not true. The actual number may be more or less. It's a common tactic used by malware writers: make you think your problem is worse than it is, and you'll buy their program. The real problem is that one Trojan horse program. It may have downloaded more malware, compounding the problem; but usually, running MalwareBytes will be all you need to do to get the system cleaned. You may also have to get another program called SuperAntispyware to get rid of things. Also make sure your antivirus is up to date and run scans with all three programs. If this doesn't take care of the problem, you can call in a pro, or back up your data and restore your computer to how it was when you bought it.
Cool Site: Crosswalk.com: Subtitled "The Intersection of Faith and Life", Crosswalk.com is another site that provides online Bible searches and Bible study tools. Many Christian websites provide these. Crosswalk also has blogs, videos, and just about anything you could want. The site features streaming audio channels, podcasts, fun stuff, resources for homeschoolers, eCards, a mobile site, shopping, and devotionals. It has almost everything that we found at Christianity.com last week, and then some. You'll find email newsletters including UpWords from Max Lucado, Devotions for Dieters, Crosswalk News Update. A couple of news articles I saw there were, "'Debaptism' Takes Root with American Atheists" and "Convert from Islam Shot Dead in Somalia". I had never heard of Debaptism before. The site has resources for singles, resources for your finances, and entertainment news. Really, a whole heap of stuff that can help you live a more Godly life.
Cool Gadget: Powramid Surge Protector: The kind folks at ThinkGeek have found a really cool surge protector. It's pyramid shaped. The nice thing about that shape is that it doesn't take up much room, yet allows you to plug in one of those power bricks into each of the 6 outlets It has a blue light under a dome at the top of the powramid that serves as the power switch and power-on lamp. It's black, has a 5 foot cord and runs about $25 + shipping.
It's All "Geek" To Me: Frozen: This week it sounds like we're working with TV Dinners, because this week's word is "frozen". When your computer is frozen, it means that the computer is unresponsive. Other words for that are "hang", "crash", or "lock up". These terms are often used synonymously, but kind of aren't. Crash is a bit more generic of a term. The way you can tell if your computer is frozen is if moving the mouse doesn’t cause the pointer to go anywhere. You can regain control by pressing the power button in and holding it there until the computer turns off. Be patient, it'll turn off. If you've held it for 15 seconds or more, though, you will have to unplug it. When you turn it back on, it'll be yours again.
Links DAConsult AntiMalware Tool Kit: http://www.daconsult.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=76
Crosswalk.com: http://www.crosswalk.com
Powramid Surge Protector: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/travelpower/a363
Frozen at TechTerms: http://www.techterms.com/definition/frozen |