Question: Pam asks, "I have Internet Explorer 8 and one of the sites I'm trying to get to won't work right. What can I do?"
Answer: Whenever a new version of Internet Explorer or any browser for that matter comes out, it always has some new bells and whistles. Internet Explorer doesn't work right with all websites because of those bells and whistles. Most of the time, if a web browser doesn’t support what a web page is trying to do, it just ignores that feature. Even at that, some sites still don't display right with Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft has attempted to address this issue with a button on the right side of the address bar that enables what they call "compatibility view". Compatibility view basically makes Internet Explorer 8 work like version 7 did. Try that and see if the site works.
Cool Site: You showed me this article by Mary Hunt that appeared in Woman's Day about ways to save money. One of those sites is our cool site this week: See, your cell carrier and other sources have ringtones you can buy, but has free ringtones you can download straight to your phone. You’ll have to set up an account before you can download ringtones, but again, they're free. They also have photos and you can share your own. The site also features games, but don't expect to download these to your cell phone. I especially liked Rollercoaster Rush. You'll also find some social features as well that allow users of the site to communicate, comment, and rate the photos and ringtones members post.
Cool Gadget: Microsoft Pressure-Sensitive Keyboard: Have you ever been typing and hit the wrong key by accident? Well, Microsoft is demonstrating a pressure-sensitive keyboard. Sure, there are gaming applications for this keyboard. You can for instance, jump higher by pressing harder; and the keyboard recognizes eight different pressure levels. But where it comes in handy for the average Joe typing along in an office, is in that it can distinguish between a key you intended to press and one you just brushed across accidentally and it uses this information to automatically correct your typos.
It's All "Geek" To Me: Illegal Operation: Once in a while you'll see an error message that includes the term "Illegal Operation". This message will make you wonder whether or not it was something you did, because it doesn't say what the operation was or how it was "illegal". What such messages mean is that the program was unexpectedly asked to do something impossible, like divide by zero, and it crashed.