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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - July 07 2011 : 07:54:41
Listen now. or Download the archive.

Question: A listener asks, "What is Netware and why is it trying to install?"

Answer: Good question. Netware is the name of a brand of network, made by Novell, that was popular from the late 80's until the mid to late 90's or so. After Windows NT 4.0 came out, its popularity began to wane, but that was due more to the Internet and the difficulty of writing programs that ran on Netware servers than to Windows NT. In any event, most all networks don't use or need Netware's protocols. But, even Windows 7 still has support for Netware's protocols, and I have seen some computers that have malware on them that also had these protocols installed, even when there was no reason to have them there. So, I'd remove them. There are three components you'll find: Client Services for Netware, NWLink IPX/SPX, and the NWLink NetBIOS helper. Remove the Client Services for Netware first, then the IPX/SPX piece. That "Helper" will uninstall along with it, and can't be uninstalled separately.

Cool Site: KidsGardening.com: Do you have a green thumb? Mine's brown-everything I touch dies except the weeds: I've got a green thumb for them. I might be able to learn something from this week's site: kidsgardening.com. This is a website that is set up for parents, kids, and teachers to help kids learn about science and nature through gardening. Teachers will find a library of classroom projects that includes items like "Building Soil Nature’s Way" that explores decomposition and soil health, "Hooked on Hummingbirds" that studies hummingbirds. For instance, did you know that hummingbirds can fly 600 miles nonstop? I didn’t. There’s one on how to make paper, which is kind of cool. There's a section on hydroponics, news, a primer for parents to help them use gardening to teach their kids. You can find a greenhouse guide for your school, which is an overview of how to run a school greenhouse program and how to actively involve students in the maintenance and investigations in the greenhouse. It's run by the National Gardening Association, and given the way that food prices are going up, planting a garden might not be so bad an idea. I just might be able to get a green thumb after all. By the way, according to Answers.com, that saying, "green thumb" comes from Colonial and Early America where tobacco farmers would use their thumbnails to cut the flowers off the tobacco plants. This increased the weight of the leaves, and is still done today, albeit mechanically. But this thumbnail process would eventually result in the chlorophyll staining the farmer's thumb green, hence the saying.

Cool Gadget: Circuit Board Ties: This week, our gadget isn't much of a gadget per se. But Etsy.com has some really cool ties that look like printed circuit boards. When I checked, they only had one left, but maybe they'll get more soon; because the ties are either Kelly green, hunter green, or black with metallic copper and silver accents that make it look just like the real thing. They also come in three widths, normal (3.5"), narrow (2.75"), and skinny (2"). They run $30. This is really for the geek in your life who has everything else, but not if you're looking for an Easter gift. The site says that due to sudden high demand, they can't ship more until the end of April, though.

It's All "Geek" To Me: Launch: Our term for this week is Launch. Not a rocket going up, but maybe a website. Launch can refer to the date your website goes live. The other thing it can refer to is starting up a program. This definition would be synonymous with Open.


Tech Tip Friday's Show Notes RSS Feed:

Uninstalling NetWare Client Services on Windows XP:

Kids Gardening:

Origin of the saying "Green Thumb":

Circuit Board Ties at Etsy:

Launch at NetLingo:

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