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 Tech Tip Friday
 10/21/2011-Remote Access Problems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - November 08 2011 : 02:36:50
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Question: JC asks, "What does Remote Access Service error 602 mean?"

Answer: Good question, JC. This is an indication that some other program has taken control of your modem and is preventing Windows from talking to it properly. My first inclination is to restart your computer and try again. If that doesn't help, you can try exiting out of every program you can find, even looking in the system tray down by the clock. If you can't find it, try starting your computer in safe mode with networking and see if you can connect to the Internet. Another thing to try is to shut down your computer, unplug the power cord, push the power button like you're going to turn it on, then plug it back in and turn it on. That will drain the computer of power completely and reset all the electronic components. If none of those work, your modem might be out.

Cool Site: Khanacademy.org: This week's site sounds like it belongs on Star Trek. But KhanAcademy is a website where you can learn just about anything. For Free no less. Their library of more than 2600 videos covers everything from math to physics, finance, and history. They have over 200 practice exercises to help you learn what you want, when you want, and at your own pace. For instance, their algebra section covers everything from basic algebra through algebra II. They have sections on Art History, Banking, Biology, and Calculus. The History section is a bit slim, but not bad. For college-bound folks, there's an extensive section on SAT Preparation. If it's math and science-related, it's probably there. This site's great for our homeschoolers, but really for anyone that's having trouble in school. It's cheaper than a tutor.

Cool Gadget: USB Drink Warmer: This week, our cool gadget comes from Vat19.com. I don't know about you, but I like to have a cup of coffee while I work, especially in the early morning. Now I've seen drink warmers that run off everything from electricity to batteries, but I've never seen one that ran off USB before. That makes sense for this one, though, because it's also a 4-port USB hub with a backlit LCD Alarm Clock. Not only that, but it includes a thermometer to tell you the temperature of the warmer pad in either Fahrenheit or Celsius. It runs about $17.00. Like most USB Hubs, this one has a place to plug in an AC adapter, but it doesn't have one. For that, you'll have to make a run to Radio Shack.

Cool App: Acceleread: This week's cool app is for the iPad. It's called acceleread and bills itself as "The best way to turbocharge your reading." Acceleread is intended to help you become a better, faster reader. According to the site, most people only read at 1/3 their potential speed because we stopped learning how to read in the 6th grade. This app is intended to help you learn techniques to make your reading more effective, to unlearn old habits that hold you back, to absorb more words at once, with better understanding and retention of the material. It helps you curb any unintended mind-wandering and how to dynamically adjust your reading speed to match the material. You can test your reading speed after going through the exercises to see how much difference it has made. The app costs $7.99, in contrast to speed reading classes that might cost much more. It's only for iPad, though.

It's All "Geek" To Me: Handle: This week, our term is almost a throwback. Back in the 70's when CB radios were popular, users would talk and be identified by a name they made up instead of their real one. That name was called a handle. Well, the term got carried over into the online world. Any name you go by online other than your own is called a handle. So, if I’m known online as baconsuit, then that's my handle.


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