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 12/30/2011-Move old programs to new computer?

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1029usr078198 Posted - January 13 2012 : 07:48:58
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Question: Users sometimes ask, "I have a program on my old computer. I've lost the original disc. Can that program be moved to a new computer?"

Answer: This is a great question because sometimes people lose things, and lose them for several different reasons, often when moving. Sometimes the program is bundled with an old printer or scanner or something that you've since done away with. The short answer to your question is, yes, but it's not usually for the faint of heart because you have to capture both files and registry settings, and those files may be in the Program Files and/or Windows folders, then test whether or not you've got them all and it's a big trial-and-error type process. There's a program from Laplink Software called PCMover that can move applications. Depending on which version of that program you get, you may or may not have the option to select which applications will be moved. But the best way to move an application from one computer to another, or setup a program on a new computer, is to keep your CDs and DVDs in a single place and use them when needed. Additionally, I'd urge you to make copies of your installation media whenever possible so that you are able to preserve the originals and install/reinstall from the copies; plus that gives you a backup.

Cool Site: Flixxy.com: This week, we've got a bit of a diversion. YouTube is a treasure trove of content. But not all of it is particularly family-friendly. This week's site, flixxy.com, is a website that simply finds the most family-friendly, funny, and uplifting videos of YouTube, at least that's the source of the ones I've seen, and puts them into a nice couple of lists giving you the most recent and also the most popular of the videos. Click the video to watch it on a new page. The videos are updated daily and there's a search feature.

Cool Gadget: Soup & Cracker Mug: That Vat19 goodness just keeps on coming. They've got a new item that's just great for this time of year. Cold weather argues powerfully for hot, hearty soups and chili. If you like to eat crackers with your soup, then check out the Soup and Cracker mugs. This is an oversized mug designed for serving 16 ounces of your favorite soup. Where it differs from other mugs is that these have a pocket attached to the side of the mug that holds about 6 saltine crackers. What the pocket does for you is to keep you from having to use a saucer and wash two dishes, or lay your crackers on a paper towel or something, plus it's easier to carry these around especially if this is a snack in the living room. They're safe for either the microwave or dishwasher. Ten dollars gets you a pair of them, so they're not too bad.

Cool App: Pandora app: This week's cool app is based on one of our cool websites from 2009. Pandora.com is a website that lets you create streaming Internet radio stations based on your personal tastes. The app is for Android, Blackberry, iOS devices, and even the Palm Pre. It lets you enjoy all the stations you create at the Pandora website, rate songs, and bookmarks favorite songs and artists.

It's All "Geek" To Me: Pharming: This week's term is pharming. Pharming is a technique used by cybercrooks to get you to visit their fake websites. Now that's not phishing, where they send you an email first. Pharming is where they break the mechanism that turns addresses like www.daconsult.com into numbers like, called DNS. Once that's done, even if you type the right words into the address bar, you won't go to the real website, but the fake one instead.


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