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 File Management 101
 File Management Exercise #2
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Posted - November 30 2007 :  19:37:11  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit 1029usr078198's Homepage  Click to see 1029usr078198's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Files/Folders Exercise #2

In your “My Documents” folder, create a text file with some text in it. Copy the file onto the flash drive. Rename it. Move the file from the flash drive back to “My Documents”. Delete the files.

1. Open My Documents
2. Right-click a blank space
3. Point at New
4. Click Text Document
5. Type a name for the document (Don't forget to include “.txt” as the extension at the end)
6. Press Enter
7. Open the document
8. Type some text into the document
9. Close Notepad
10. Click Yes to save your changes
11. Click the Start Button
12. Click My Computer
13. Double-click the flash drive, named “Lexar (E:)” to open it.
14. Drag the text file in My Documents and drop it in a blank area of the E: window.
15. Click the file in the E: window.
16. Click the words of the name (or click “Rename this file” under “File and Folder Tasks”)
17. Type a new name for the document (Don’t forget to include “.txt” as the extension at the end)
18. Press Enter. The document is renamed.
19. Now, move the file back to your “My Documents” window; we’ll use the Right-Drag & Drop method.
20. Right-click (and hold) the file icon.
21. Drag this back into the “My Documents” window and drop it there. You’ll get a menu.
22. From the menu choose, “Move Here.” The file will move off the flash drive into “My Documents”
23. Close the E: window.
24. Drag the first text file over to the Recycle Bin and drop it there.
25. Drag the second text file over to the Recycle Bin and drop it there.
26. Right-click the Recycle bin
27. Choose “Empty Recycle Bin”

Hope it helps,
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