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 Word II, III, and IV
 Word II Online Exercise
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Posted - July 24 2008 :  09:06:42  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit 1029usr078198's Homepage  Click to see 1029usr078198's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Download the exercise file here. Save it in your "My Documents" folder.


0. Open the file you downloaded.
1. Set the first paragraph to the Heading 1 style.
2. Make the first word of the next paragraphs, "Challenge", "Scenario", and "Solution" a paragraph of their own.
3. Format the text in item #2 to the Heading 2 style.
4. Replace the phrase "number of required" with "number required"
5. Find "2U".
6. Add this footnote:"1U=43.75mm (1.7225in), 2U=87.5mm (3.445in)".
7. Add this header, centered: "Servers for SMBs".
8. Add a footer, consisting of the date, centered.
9. Use Click & Type to add a centered line at the bottom of the document, "Call us today for more information!".
10. Modify the Heading 1 style to use Arial Narrow font in some shade of blue.
11. Modify the Normal style to have a 12-point gap at the end of each paragraph.
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