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205 E. Commerce, Ste. 202
Jacksonville, TX 75766
office (903) 586-4082
toll-free (877) 586-4082

Remembering Those Who Came Before

Land of the free because of the brave.

We will be closed on Memorial Day, so we can enjoy it with our families. We hope you can enjoy it with yours as well. We want to take this opportunity to say a hearty, "Thank You" to those who gave some, and those who gave all. When we speak of Memorial Day the first thing that often comes to mind is our honored dead in the military, and rightly so. This day was established for their remembrance. Because of their sacrifice, we have people like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, the Wright Brothers, Einstein, Neil Armstrong, and our own parents, who have come before us to create what we have today, perhaps for better, perhaps for worse. All because of one enabler: Freedom provided by those who were selfless enough to count their lives worthless in its cause.